- 01/09/2015 Significant shares
- 01/20/2015 Increase and decrease in share capital
- 02/11/2015 Patent application Neol
- 02/17/2015 Notice of call Extraordinary General Shareholder´s Meeting
- 02/25/2014 Information on capital increase
- 02/26/2015 American Patent Simvastatin
- 03/06/2015 Capital Increase BORME
- 03/16/2015 licences, patents and products
- 03/19/2015 Clamber Proyect Neol
- 03/23/2015 Business Plan and valuation
- 03/24/2015 Agreements at EGSM
- 04/10/2015 Increase and decrease in share capital
- 04/22/2015 More information on financial operations
- 05/13/2015 Notice of call General Shareholder´s Meeting
- 05/19/2015 R+D: Results
- 07/07/2015 Information on shareholders
- 08/26/2015 licences, patents and products
- 09/21/2015 licences, patents and products
- 09/23/2015 licences, patents and products
- 10/15/2015 More information on financial operations
- 10/21/2015 Other businesses and financial situations
- 10/27/2015 More information on financial operations
- 11/05/2015 Other businesses and finantial situations
- 11/16/2015 More information on financial operations
- 12/14/2015 Increase or reduction of share capital
- 12/22/2014 Financial Information
- 01/10/2014 Significant shares
- 02/25/2014 Removal Director Appointment
- 04/29/2014 Publication capital increase BORME
- 05/29/2014 Call to the General Shareholder´s Meeting
- 05/29/2014 Presentation Foro Medcap 2014
- 06/09/2014 licences, patents and products
- 06/09/2014 Results capital increase
- 06/10/2014 licences, patents and products
- 07/01/2014 General Shareholder´s Meeting cancelled
- 07/04/2014 Significant shares
- 07/08/2014 General Shareholder´s Meeting announcement
- 07/25/2014 Agreements at OGSM
- 09/26/2014 Change of corporate name
- 09/30/2014 Commercial agreement
- 10/01/2014 Resignation of a director
- 10/21/2014 Resignation of board director Neol
- 10/29/2014 Clarification RF dated 10/21/14
- 10/30/2014 licences, patents and products
- 11/27/2014 Change of certifed Financial Planner
- 12/01/2014 Appointment javier Tallada
- 12/02/2014 licences, patents and products
- 12/12/2014 News on Confidencial media
- 12/18/2014 Agreement Neuron Repsol
- 12/29/2014 licences, patents and products

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